Study: Is Elfbar vapes bad for you?

FRESOR - Leading Vaping Technology Platform

Smoking is generally considered detrimental to health by all educated and professional people, and they encourage others to avoid such harmful constituents. The high contents of nicotine found in a cigarette are the culprit behind the damaging health effects caused by smoking. Despite the vast knowledge of the health hazards related to smoking, it is extremely difficult to persuade a person to stop smoking; hence to reduce the likelihood of damage caused by cigarettes, the concept of e-cigarettes has been introduced, of which the Elfbar vapes are a part.

Since Elfbar vapes are a relatively new concept in e-cigarettes, there needs to be more public knowledge about them. To get an answer to your questions about the constituents and health hazards of Elfbar vapes and to conclude their safety, stay hooked and continue reading below.

What are Elfbar vapes?

Elf bar bc1600

The Elfbar vapes are a good invention for smokers who are concerned about their health and wish to avoid severe health hazards caused by cigarette smoking. It does contain a chunk of the constituents found in cigarettes, but their quantities are reduced to such a level that they do not cause severe harm to the well-being.

Elf bars are disposable e-cigarettes, which exist in the form of a vape pen, and are fueled by a battery to allow a designated number of puffs. They can be found in many different flavours and have an improved taste compared to vapes, with the plus point of being slightly less unhealthy than cigarettes.

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Some special considerations of Elfbar vapes:

Some important specifications of Elfbar vapes that need to be noted are listed below:

  • They do not contain tar, the major constituent of cigarettes that leads to cancer development.
  • They are battery-powered and use e-liquid as fuel for puffs.
  • Elf bars contain about 2ml of e-liquid, the source of fume generation.
  • The Elfbar vapes come in many new flavours, which have a sweet odour, unlike the sharp smell of cigarettes.
  • Elf bars are unhealthy and deteriorating to health, but they are almost 90% less unhealthy than cigarettes.

Constituents of Elfbar vapes:

Although Elfbar vapes are not as unhealthy as cigarettes, they still contain many of the harmful chemicals found in cigarettes and are not completely safe for human health.


  • Nicotine: nicotine is the main ingredient found in cigarettes or e-cigarettes and is incorporated to provide a sedating, calming and stimulating effect on the brain to increase its efficiency. The harmful effect of nicotine is that it causes dependence and withdrawal syndrome. It also causes vasoconstriction throughout the vessels of our body and can lead to the development of heart diseases.
  • Citral: this ingredient is known for its good scent and is utilized in many formulations where the scent is required for attraction. Citral is used in Elfbar vapes to provide a refreshing scent to its fume.
  • Propylene glycol: this ingredient has many uses in any formulation, such as providing a sweet and cravingly taste, absorbing excess moisture, and creating more fume and smoke. A drawback of this ingredient is that it causes dependence, and the user may find it difficult to stop its usage.
  • Vegetable glycerin: this type of glycerin is obtained from plant sources and is beneficial for enhancing physical performance and athletic activity. Some users may be allergic to vegetable glycerin and should always use it cautiously.

Are Elfbar vapes bad for you?

To conclude the question of whether Elfbar vapes are good for you or not, the following points are to be considered:

  1. Safety of Elfbar vapes:

Elf bars are considered a substitute for smoking cigarettes, but the question arises whether they are safe enough to be consumed. The safety of any product depends upon its ingredients and constituents, and to assess the safety of Elfbar vapes, we need to assess its ingredients.

Nicotine is the prime ingredient of the liquid in Elfbar vapes, and its concentration is around 2-5% by weight. It may seem that this quantity is small and would not cause any damage to human health, but this assumption is false. Any nicotinic concentration greater than 2% is considered unsafe and may lead to the development of addiction. The greater the concentration, the greater the chances of developing withdrawal syndrome and addiction syndrome. When nicotine concentration rises above 5%, the vasoconstrictor effects predominate and lead to cardiovascular complications.

Talking about the glycol content in Elfbar vapes, its excess can lead to the development of dependence and bring about hallucinating effects. Other than that, no significant harmful chemicals are found in Elfbar vapes.

The second factor upon which Elfbar vapes’ safety depends is their usage rationale. The more frequently puffs are consumed, the more the chances are of dependence and addiction. Direct usage of e-liquid can also lead to toxicity; thus, it should be consumed under check and kept out of reach of unauthorized individuals.

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  1. Advantages of Elfbar vapes over cigarettes:

  • The most notable advantage of Elfbar vapes over cigarettes is that it contains no carcinogenic ingredient, and the consumer is potentially at low risk of developing cancer.
  • It contains nicotine, but in a lesser quantity than cigarettes, so the dependence and addictive effects are less.
  • Tar is not incorporated in the liquid used in Elfbar vapes; hence the users are safe from developing asthma and respiratory distress syndromes.
  • There is a concept of passive smoking, in which the person standing next to the one smoking a cigarette is at risk of harmful effects of the contents of the cigarette. Such a concept is not applicable in Elfbar vapes since there are no harmful chemicals in its fume and the people in the surroundings are safe.

  1. Adverse effects of Elfbar vapes:

  • The usage of Elfbar vapes can lead to the development of hallucinations and irritability because of the presence of propylene glycol in them.
  • Dependence can be caused by continuous usage of Elfbar vapes because of the nicotine in them, and the user feels irritable and palpitated when he does not consume them.
  • Some other general adverse effects include nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.
  • If elf bar puffs are used excessively, the user can develop toxicity, which requires proper medical intervention.

  1. Cost-effectiveness of Elfbar vapes:

Elf bars are not completely disposable and may be reused by recharging the battery and changing the cartridge, which adds to their cost-effectiveness. The users can purchase a box of 10 elf bar pens for around 40$, which will be sufficient for a long time.

  1. Are Elfbar vapes actually bad for you?

After considering all the factors above, the users can choose whether Elfbar vapes are good for them, depending upon the pros and cons and their needs and expectations of the product. Since the Elfbar vapes are less unhealthy as compared to other smoking agents, they are generally considered a better option and are good for people who want to revert from smoking. Still, they are not completely safe to be used, and their usage should be kept in check to prevent adverse effects.

Who cannot use Elfbar vapes?

Like any other product, the elf bar has limitations and cannot be used by everyone. Children below 18 years of age should not use any addictive products, including Elfbar vapes, due to their nicotinic content. People with allergies to the ingredients of Elfbar vapes, like vegetable glycerin, should avoid using Elfbar vapes. People with a history of cardiovascular disease should not use Elfbar vapes because of nicotine, which exerts a vasoconstriction effect on vessels.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. How are Elfbar vapes different from cigarettes?

Ans. Elf bars are a type of semi-disposable vape which contain no harmful carcinogens, keeping the user at a lower risk of developing cancers, but has a high nicotine concentration which puts the user at risk of developing dependence. It is generally considered a substitute for smoking because it is a less unhealthy form of e-vaping.

  1. Are Elfbar vapes not good enough to be used?

Ans. Elf bars are good in the sense that they do not contain many of the harmful ingredients found in cigarettes, but they are not completely safe to be used as they contain a high concentration of nicotine which can exert harmful effects on the body.

  1. How much nicotine is present in the e-liquid of Elfbar vapes?

Ans. An elf bar contains a liquid of about 2ml, which contains approximately 2% to 5% nicotine by weight.


Elf bars are a new addition to the e-cigarette industry, claiming to be safe and damage-free to the body. This is, to some extent, true that they are safe for usage because they lack carcinogens, tar, arsenic and other harmful chemicals found in cigarettes. The only harmful ingredient in Elfbar vapes is nicotine, which is in a sufficiently high concentration to cause damage. Whether Elfbar vapes are good for you depends upon their usage; if you use them as a substitute for smoking, it is a good and much safer option. Using excessively can lead to toxicity, and the user can suffer severe medical problems. In conclusion, Elfbar vapes are not as safe as they seem; hence their usage should be kept in check.


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