How to Pass A Nicotine Test If You Vape?

How to Pass A Nicotine Test If You Vape

Are you someone who loves vaping? If so, a nicotine test would sound pressure, especially if you don’t want it to come out positive. According to a survey, around 15% of the respondents in the USA stated that they use vapes at least occasionally. When people who vape get asked to get a nicotine test, there’s one question they would definitely ask, “How to pass a nicotine test if you vape.” Is that the case with you as well?

When you are into vaping, some nicotine will stay in your system even after you stop vaping. As a result, a nicotine test can detect nicotine in your system. Even if you don’t smoke cigarettes, you will still have nicotine in your system if you have vaped since most vapes contain at least 5% nicotine.

Whether you have to take a blood test, urine test, or saliva test for nicotine, there are a few ways to pass the test. Let’s discuss it in the article below. However, before getting into it, let’s talk about what nicotine is and what exactly it does.

What Is Nicotine And What Does It Do?

Nicotine is a naturally occurring chemical compound usually found in the tobacco plant leaves. It is mostly used in cigars, cigarettes, and other types of tobacco, including vapes. It’s a psychoactive substance that can have certain effects on your brain and behavior. There are several effects of nicotine, as mentioned below:

  • It has stimulant properties that can increase focus, alertness, and energy levels.
  • It releases dopamine related to pleasure and reward, making it addictive.
  • It can alter your mood, including reducing anxiety and stress temporarily.
  • It leads to a temporary increase in your heart and blood pressure rate, which is not good for people with cardiovascular conditions.
  • It can suppress appetite and even have a hand in weight loss for some people.

Before understanding how to pass a nicotine test, it is also important to understand what type of nicotine test you may have to take. Let’s discuss it below.

Types of Nicotine Tests You May Have To Give

Let’s talk about the different types of nicotine tests you might have to take.

#1. Urine Test

A urine test is one of the most common ways to check for nicotine use. Nicotine and its byproducts can show up in your urine, and this test can detect if you’ve used nicotine products recently.

#2. Saliva Test

Sometimes, they’ll swab your mouth with a little stick to collect saliva. This test can reveal if you’ve had nicotine in your system recently. It’s quick and non-invasive.

#3. Blood Test

They might take a small sample of your blood to see if nicotine is in there. Blood tests can show nicotine levels and how long it has been since you used nicotine.

#4. Hair Follicle Test

This one’s a bit different. They clip a small piece of hair from your head or body and test it. Nicotine can stick around in your hair for a long time, so this test can show if you’ve been using nicotine for a while.

#5. Breath Test

A breath test can detect whether you’ve smoked or vaped recently. Using nicotine can increase levels of carbon monoxide in your breath. That’s why breath tests can help detect nicotine in your system.

#6. Cotinine Test

Cotinine is a substance your body makes when it breaks down nicotine. Testing for cotinine can reveal if you’ve been using nicotine recently, even if you say you haven’t.

#7. Nicotine Patches or Gum Test

If you’re using nicotine replacement therapy, like patches or gum, a test might check for the presence of nicotine. This helps make sure you’re using these products as prescribed.

How Long Does Nicotine Stay in Your System?

Let’s talk about how long nicotine can stay in your system. Remember that the exact duration can depend on you and several other factors, such as the type of test you will take and the amount of nicotine you have consumed. Here’s how long the nicotine will stay in your system on average:

  1. Urine: Nicotine and its metabolites can typically be detected in urine for about 2 to 4 days after your last use. However, in heavy users, it might linger for up to a week.
  2. Saliva: Nicotine can show up in saliva tests for a shorter period, usually around 1 to 4 days after use.
  3. Blood: Nicotine remains in your bloodstream relatively quickly, usually 1 to 3 days after use.
  4. Hair: Hair follicle tests have a longer detection window. Nicotine can be detected in hair for up to 90 days or even longer, depending on the length of the hair sample.
  5. Breath: A breath test can detect recent nicotine use within hours to a few days after smoking or vaping.
  6. Cotinine: Cotinine, a metabolite of nicotine, can be found in various tests. It typically stays in your system for about 1 to 3 days.

Ways To Pass A Nicotine Test If You Vape

You can prepare your body to pass the nicotine test in several ways. Let’s check out how you can do it so that you can quickly pass that nicotine test and get done with it.

#1. Get more hydration

Nicotine is a substance that can dehydrate you. Hence, it’s better to increase your water intake to replace the lost water from your body during your vaping sessions. Drinking more water can dilute your urine sample, making it more likely for you to pass the test if it’s a urine test. 

So, if you want to have more chances of passing your nicotine test through a urine test, you need to consume a lot of water so that you can flush out the waste products from your system. You can also use a detox drink, but it’s always better to do it naturally.

#2. Detox Pills

When we talk about detox drinks, there’s another option you can try! Detox pills! If you are going for a blood nicotine test, you can take detox pills at least a week before your test. Usually, nicotine stays in your blood for up to 3 days. However, if you had vaped more, it can stay quite longer, making it difficult for you to pass the test. That’s when a detox pill can come in handy. However, you shouldn’t continue vaping, as nothing will work if you do that. Instead, focus on other things and get a natural detox pill to increase the pace of your nicotine detoxification.

#4. Quit Vaping

While we are at it, this is the most important thing you should know. If you have been asked to take a nicotine test and you have no say in it, continuing vaping will not be helpful at all. When you keep vaping even when you know you are going to take a test in a few days, you can just increase the nicotine in your body, and no detox remedy will work if you do that. Hence, as soon as you hear about the test, stop vaping whatsoever.

#5. Prepare a diet

You can keep yourself busy with healthy things like making a new diet which contains loads of fruits and fresh vegetables. Having such items in your daily food intake can be good for your metabolism and make it easier for you to flush out nicotine earlier than usual. You should also add more Vitamin C to your diet since it can speed up your metabolism more.

#6. Increase physical activity

You should increase your physical activity as it can help in increased circulation. When your blood circulation increases, your body will get rid of toxins like cotinine faster through sweat. You can go for walks every now or then, exercise daily, and do some fun activities like dancing, cycling, swimming, etc.

How To Detoxify Your Body From Nicotine

To detoxify your body from nicotine, you need to start by quitting vaping or using any other product that has nicotine. Then, include water more in your daily routine. You can start your day by drinking a glass of water during and after your workouts, before and after meals, and throughout the day to keep yourself hydrated.

You can also eat more whole grains, vegetables, and fruits instead of junk food to detox your body naturally. If you hang out with someone who vapes, try meeting them less or ask them not to vape in front of you.


When you are a vape user, your worst nightmare can be taking a nicotine test. However, it’s not that difficult to pass a nicotine test. All you need to do is stop vaping as soon as you hear about the test and start with your body detoxification journey. You can take pills, change your daily routine, be more productive and active, etc. Hope this article helps you out with ways on “How to pass a nicotine test if you vape.”


Can you clear nicotine from your body?

Yes, only if you avoid nicotine for at least 10 days. Although it’s not a quick process, you will be able to detox nicotine from your body by drinking more water, exercising, and having a healthy diet.

How long will 1 hit of vape stay in my system?

1 hit of vape can stay in your system for as long as 1.5-2 days. However, if you frequently consume vape, it can be in your system for as long as 3 days.

Is 10 vape hits a day bad?

There is no specific amount of hits that can be safe for use. It depends on your health, usual vaping habits, etc. If you are going to take a nicotine test, even 1 hit will be bad for you.


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