ALD’s Thrilling Production Campaign for Hot Season

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Shenzhen, China – On November 8th, 2022, the headquarter factory delivery line of ALD Group Limited launched a thrilling campaign among all its staff with the slogan “Fight for 50 Days, to Achieve the Goal with all Effort!”. Seoul, the Director of Delivery, and Frank, the Director of Quality, both gave inspiring speeches, motivating staff to go all out to achieve the final goal in the last two months!


The “Best Team” and “Best Workshop” for October were announced at the event and awarded with banners and certificates, and the “Outstanding Individual” received bonuses and certificates. These honors are a recognition of their hard work and aggressive work spirit, and also to encourage others to learn from these excellent teams and individuals. We must keep our morale high and hold a strong determination to achieve our final goal for this year.


Frank, Director of Quality, said in his speech that fighting for another 50 days and taking XX million is our goal for the remaining time of 2022, and it is also an unprecedented challenge for ALD. We must be full of confidence and gear up to work hard! Then, he made a strict and practical deployment on the next step of the quality line from front-end SQE, Manufacturing Process, FAE to other links. He finally emphasized that quality is our top priority, we must work together and make concerted efforts to ensure the quality of our products and accomplish the final goal.


Seoul, Director of Delivery, first emphasized the urgency of this year’s production tasks, and also briefly introduced the achievements made by all lines such as sales, quality, warehouse management, engineering, production, HR and management. He gave warnings about some basic operations and the work of supporting workers, ensuring that there are no mistakes during this crucial period. Finally, He called upon all staff: Struggle hard for 50 days and make every effort to reach the target!

After the speech, all the staff participated in the lucky draw, which not only rewarded the staff but also reflected the company’s philosophy of “undertaking, creating and sharing”. The campaign is undoubtedly an encouraging one, and with the strong leadership of all directors in all lines, we believe that we will reach the production target for this year.


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