All You Need to Know About CBD Vapor Pens

As the benefits of CBD are being proved throughout, many people are considering exploring its effects and methods of use.

From ALD we explain its numerous benefits and why vaping CBD is the best option for you.

What Is CBD?

CBD or Cannabidiol is a compound derived from the renown cannabis plant. It is produced naturally in marihuana along with its famous counterpart compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). CBD is legally manufactured within the hemp plant in many parts of the world, which unlike cannabis, contains an unnoticeable amount of THC (0.3% or less), making it a very safe way to extract all the benefits from the aforementioned plant without having an undesirable high.

Are CBD Vape Pens Safe?

Not all CBD E-liquids are licit, possibly deriving from synthetic cannabis and containing harmful chemicals such as vitamin E acetate or added oils such as MCT which, although causes no problems for consumption, can be harmful while vaped.

For these reasons it is important to purchase both your vape pens and E-liquids from legitimate vapor stores, be it near you or online. Here at ALD we are well aware of these risks, and offer nothing but the best quality for your CBD vaping experience.

Why Vape CBD? 

CBD vaping is considered one of, if not the best way to intake this medicinal substance for a variety of reasons. Here we compare it with other forms of use to explain exactly why:

CBD Vaping Vs Drops

The bioavailability (the proportion of a given substance which enters the circulation of the body) has much more efficiency when vaped than if you use drops, having a drastic contrast of around 25-40% in drops to 50-80% when vaped. This means you need much less quantity of CBD for your vaping pen for the same desired effects.  

CBD Vaping vs Flower

The drastically negative effects of smoking have been known for decades, this goes without saying. For flower consumption combustion is used, creating a great range of health hazards for your lungs, whilst vaping is mere vapour. The risk difference is huge.

CBD Vaping vs Gummies

Gummies or other forms of CBD edibles take much longer to draw an effect due to their lower absorption rate through the digestive system, although the effect will last for a longer amount of time. The urgency for the desired effects and the duration should determine your preference. On the other hand, CBD E-liquid will be better conserved than any form of edible, being easier to stock and with a broader availability.

CBD medical benefits

There are many known benefits of CBD which have been demonstrated clinically for a variety of health issues and deprivations:

CBD Vaping for depression

A recent study from 2018 concluded that CBD has positive effects on serotonin levels, enabling a reduction on the unfortunate effects of depression.

A 2019 experiment even suggests that CBD can have better effects with a lesser risk than antidepressants, making this substance have a very intriguing future for treating depression.

CBD Vaping for Anxiety

The stress effects from anxiety have also been proved to be reduced thanks to the properties inherent in CBD. As per a study employed in 2015, there are great benefits with treatments ranging from social anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) to treatment for traumatic memories.

CBD Vaping for sleeping

A study from 2014 explains the benefits of CBD for sleeping disorders. CBD can make you fall asleep faster, improve the quality of your sleep and even battle the hazardous effects of insomnia.

To Sum Up

CBD is beneficial for a wide variety of reasons and vaping its best form of use. From clinical treatments to a simple state of relaxation, we guarantee you’ll enjoy this magnificent product which is becoming evermore popular by the day, and with great reason.

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